Outreach Services

We are committed to engaging with Leon County residents to provide opportunities to register to vote, update voter information, and learn about the voting process. Depending on staff availability, we may be available to attend your events and provide voter registration and education services. Read below for further information on the types of outreach services we provide to the Leon County community.

Request Services

You can request any of the services below by completing a Community Involvement Request form. Requests are filled based on availability of the Supervisor of Elections and staff. The request form closes during the busy period before each election so that staff can dedicate their time to running the election.

Types of Services

Request a Speaker

Invite the Supervisor of Elections to speak at your class, club, organization, or community group to provide public education and information about elections.

Voter Registration Table

Invite staff from our office to your non-partisan event to set-up a voter registration table and assist voters with registering to vote. As part of this activity, we can also set-up and demonstrate the voting equipment that is used in Leon County.

Elections Office Tour

We are happy to provide tours of the Election Center to interested groups. A tour is a great way to learn about how we conduct elections in Florida. Tours take place at our office located at 2990-1 Apalachee Parkway, and generally take one hour. 

Voter Education Programs at Schools and Universities

Each year we offer a voter registration and education program in each public high school in Leon County. This program is held in cooperation with the local school board to reach and educate high school students who are eligible to register or pre-register to vote.

Many area schools use official ballots and voting machines from our office to conduct their student government elections. This gives students the opportunity to learn about the voting process using actual voting equipment. Each year we will conduct one election, free of charge, for each school in Leon County.

Each year we conduct a voter registration/education program on each college campus in Leon County. This includes setting up a voter registration table as well as attending campus events or forums.

Use Voting Equipment

Other organizations can request use of the official voting equipment to conduct their officer elections. We charge a small fee for this service, based on the amount of ballots, equipment, and staff time provided. Quotes are available upon request.

3PVRO Training Workshops

We provide training to individuals and organizations that are interested in sponsoring voter registration drives. In order to collect voter registration applications, individuals and organizations must register as a “Third-Party Voter Registration Organization” with the Florida Division of Elections. For further information about Third-Party Voter Registration Organizations, please read our How You Can Help Register Voters webpage.


Additional voter education publications are available on our Forms and Publications page.

Leon County Seal

Mark S. Earley
Leon County Supervisor of Elections

OFFICE ADDRESS: 2990-1 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee FL 32301
MAILING ADDRESS: Leon County Supervisor of Elections Office P.O Box 7357, Tallahassee FL 32314-7357
P: (850) 606-8683 | F: (850) 606-8601 | E: Vote@leonvotes.gov | Hours: M - F: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

PLEASE NOTE: Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Florida Statute 668.6076.