Election Worker Application

We are always looking for new election workers to join our team. Even though the next election may be months away, we encourage you to apply now so that we can add you to our list of interested applicants. It takes just a few minutes to apply.

Before you start the application, please take a few minutes to read our Become an Election Worker page which will provide you with an overview of the positions, requirements, and time involved in serving. 


Once you are ready, you can access the Election Worker Application here.

After you complete the application, we will review it and contact you in several days.


If you have questions, contact us at PollWork@LeonVotes.gov or (850) 606-8683.

Leon County Seal

Mark S. Earley
Leon County Supervisor of Elections

OFFICE ADDRESS: 2990-1 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee FL 32301
MAILING ADDRESS: Leon County Supervisor of Elections Office P.O Box 7357, Tallahassee FL 32314-7357
P: (850) 606-8683 | F: (850) 606-8601 | E: Vote@leonvotes.gov | Hours: M - F: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

PLEASE NOTE: Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Florida Statute 668.6076.